Colombia Dulima Decaf

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Dulima is a fully washed, Excelso EP grade coffee. 50% of each lot is guaranteed screen 17/18 or up. The coffee is sourced from the Tolima and Huila regions. Dulima is the ancient name that the indigenous tribe “Pijaos” used to refer to the Tolima Department. The Pijaos were the bravest warriors the Spanish had to fight. The Dulima brand is given only to the finest, hand-picked coffee and is good as either a blender or a single origin coffee. The coffee is designed to be smooth, clean and consistent with a pointed acidity and good body.

The Swiss Water® Process uses pure green coffee extract and proprietary carbon technology to remove caffeine from green coffee beans. Swiss Water® has specified the pore size of the carbon to match the caffeine molecule to ensure only the caffeine is trapped when the caffeine is captured from the green coffee extract. The Swiss Water® Process is certified organic and 100% chemical free.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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